Thursday 17 January 2013

Kick The Flu's Ass with This One

            So everyone is getting sick. The time of year, stress, whatever you want to blame really but the fact remains sickness has swept in. So your boy Johnny has got a little medicine for you. You know we are talking chicken soup people. Now here is the thing I am apparently unable to make any soup in small batches so if you take this on you are going to get a lot of soup. This is not a bad thing just a small warning so you can share. Nothing makes me feel better than a hot bowl of soup when I am feeling crappy and this one is a winner for sure. By the way it freezes really well so you can do that too.

            There is something a little bit cathartic about making this soup. The simple act of putting it together makes me feel better about the world. I am not sure why but it does and that is enough. It has everything in it to make you get over the sick. It also allows you to use some of the stuff most people would normally throw away, like a chicken carcass. “Waste not want not” my beauties. So Johnny is going to hopefully make you feel better with his Chicken noodle soup.

Chicken Noodle Soup to the tune of Upside Down by Jack Johnson

1 chicken carcass
4 large carrots, 2 cut into big chunks, 2 cut into small bites
4 stalks of celery, 2 cut into big chunks, 2 cut into small bites
2 onions, 1 quartered, 1 finely diced
2 jalapenos, chopped
3 cloves of garlic minced
1 tbsp olive oil
2 cups of dried pasta, I used rotini
Salt and pepper
1 tbsp of oregano

-So this recipe happens sort of in two parts. So part 1. In a stock pot over medium high heat toss your carcass, big chunks of carrot, celery, and onion in. Cover ingredients with water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and allow it to stop rolling. Using tongs and a fork remove any of the chicken meat that is still clinging to the bones. Discard the bones as they have done their work.

-Let the brew simmer until the veggies are soft, around 30 minutes or so. Pull the big chunks of veg out and discard as they have now done their work. Skim off any fat that is floating on the top.

-While that is simmering sweat your chopped onions, garlic and peppers over medium heat until the onions are clear.

-Part 2, add in the rest of your ingredients except the pasta and simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes. Skim if you need to. Add in your pasta and simmer until the pasta is el dente. And thus you are done Chicken Soup to make you feel better. Don’t let the flu get you down my lovelies.

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